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Title: Mobile infosec resources.
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Websites & blogs.
Krebs on Security
Schneier on Security
(I know, it's weird that everyone is "on security")
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
Cryptography I by Stanford, on Coursera
Twitter accounts to follow.
Kashmir Hill
, former writer for Forbes on security
Christopher Soghoian
, technologist at the ACLU
InfoSec Taylor Swift
, the nation's biggest popstar also works on infosec, apparently
The Grugq
, insight on operational security
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
, not a person with a weird name
Slide reference links.
Slide 2 -
9magnets, LLC
, my mobile app development team
Slide 2 -
Essential Mobile Interaction Design
, my latest book
Slide 4 -
Edward Snowden
Slide 7 -
Slide 8 -
Do Not Track
Slide 8 -
Best Password Managers
Slide 9 -
Tor Project
Slide 9 -
Pretty Good Privacy
Slide 9 -